Ten on Tuesday

Ten things I’m diggin on Tuesday:


I love this app for my ipad! You can watch pretty much every episode from all of their  series’! All seasons of Entourage AND True Blood?!?! Awesome sauce!!

The Daily Motivator

“Life brings you great and wonderful gifts each day. Be aware, be appreciative, and be willing to make the best use of every one.” -Ralph Marston

I found this website about a month ago. It’s the first thing I read every morning. It’s a great way to start my day off on a positive note! You should check it out!!




Still loving the stripes for Summer!!!!


Love these glitter sandals!!





Captain Crunch chicken tenders. Yes. please.



Notebook makeup bag. I ALWAYS forget my eyeliner!! Uggggh!!!! 🙂


No, not that CSI. My friend Amie is having a baby as we speak. His name is Caleb. Im pretty excited. I can’t wait to meet him. I plan on being the best bad influence ever.

Congrats Amie and Jacob!!!

Hope y’all have a great week!

Peace and Love,




Ten on Tuesday

It’s not Sunday. It’s Tuesday. And these are the 1o things I’m into:

1. Creme de la Cake

I am now officially an official baker! EEEEEK! I LOVE my new job. My boss is amazing. The cakes are amazing. Life is good! The cupcake bakery opens Valentine’s Day! I am really excited about it! I hope you can stop by, say hello, and have a cupcake. YUM!!!

2. Doug Loves Movies

Doug Loves Movies is a podcast done by comedian Doug Benson. It’s funny. Like, really funny.

3.  Mini Corn Dog Muffins from Recipe Girl

I made these for the superbowl. They are yummy! And, super easy to make!!

4. Circle Scarf-American Apparel

This might be the only item i could “comfortably” wear from this place. Bonus, this kick ass “ways to wear it” chart:

5. Indie Biz 3.0

If you are contemplating starting a creative biz or have already started one but need a little direction, take this with me!!! I’ve been waiting for this for a year!!! I am so excited to learn and meet like-minded creatives!!! The class starts in March!

6. The Postal Service- ❤

7. Love quotes (I know…I’m a cheeseball…)

8. The Daily for ipad

I love this ipad only newspaper. It is awesome. Finally, a reason to pick up my ipad, everyday!!

9. Rock. Chalk. Jay.Hawk.

My boys are kicking ass and taking names. (If you don’t know what this means, you’re fired!)

10.  Spring Flats!!!

It’s perfectly normal to want boat shoes even though I don’t have a boat, right????

Hope y’all have a great week!

Peace and Love,